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•~ † Gothique † ~•
view post Posted on 12/10/2008, 14:39


Who is your favourite designer?
I like Vivienne Westwood a lot and everything she got done. She's one of those really big designers. Then I like John Galliano a lot and adore Jean Paul Gaultier.

Do you fancy publishing a biography about yourself?
Not yet, it will take me a long time if I ever publish one.

Have you been to a dancing school?
No, never.

Do you enjoy to be the center of attention?Yes, I'm for sure an egocentric person. That's why I always wanted to be on stage, I guess.

What's your biggest dream now?
Haha, becoming an icon. ;)

Which song on Final Attraction do you like best?I'm favouring a few songs from the new album at the moment.

Do you watch Popstars?

What do you think of horses? Did you ever go riding?
Only on a pony.

What do you think of Finnish rock bands such as Lovex?
It's impressive how much music originates from Finland. If I had to name my favourite Finnish band, I'd definitely go for HIM.

Why don't you (and your fellow band members) speak out on Luminor's break?
We think it's Luminor's right to be the only one speaking out on this topic and that's what he did in his blog.

What's your favourite film at the moment?The last film I've seen is Batman – The Dark Knight and it was terrific!

What gave you the idea to do your internship at a workshop for the handicapped?I look up to the strength of people who spend their life in this world with so many imperfections. Society doesn't make it easy for them, and I admire how they succeed in life. I wanted to learn what these people do during the workshop and get the opportunity to assist them.

Is there anybody/anything you miss a lot?My old bed. ;)

What would you never ever wear?

Is there anything you always wanted but never got?Oh yes, a whole lot. :)

What would you tell someone who wants to commit suicide?
That's something that definitely cannot be generalised.

What inspired you to the song “Crashing and Burning”?Florence. There's something very theatrical about this place's scenery.

What do you think of humankind in general?
I'd call it love-hate. :)

Which are the five things you'd change first if you could rule the world?I'd first change that I didn't rule the world anymore. Things wouldn't turn out well if a single person had absolute power.

Is there a passage in the lyrics of a song that means a lot to you?Je ne regrette rien.

A lot of people that used to be outsiders when they were children tend to become famous personalities later. Why do you think this is?
People often avoid other people that have a mind on their own because they're not used to that. But when you create something new, you'll also get a lot of support.

Is there anything you'd like to tell someone but don't dare?No, whatever I want to say, I do say.

Thinking about the time you spent with Cinema Bizarre so far, which positive and negative things cross your mind frist?
I got to learn so incredibly much and there are still so many things yet to experience.

What's your favourite song at the moment?
I like Love is Noise from The Verve a lot.

Will you buy the CD from Lady GaGa
I did so long ago. :) Lady GaGa for Queen!

Which hairspray do you use?
got2be or John Frieda.

What was your worst nightmare?
That it wasn't a nightmare.

Are there certain songs that make you sad because they remind you of certain situations/incidents?
Yes, of course, music is always connected to a feeling.

What was the most lonesome moment in your life so far?
I don't think in ultimata.

Which injury you suffered was the most painful so far?I don't know.

How do you improve your voice and how much do you practise?
Every day by means of a CD and the most important is singing, singing, singing.

Which cine film do you still plan to see?Der Baader Meinhof Komplex.

Is there a film you just have to watch over and over again?No.

Who of you is the best cook, and what do you cook?Kiro and I cook sometimes.

Do you think you'll be successful for a long time?
I'm working on it.

Do you like spiders?
Yes, interesting animals.

Where's your walking stick from Lovesongs got to?
A dark room.

Are there presents (from fans) that you keep in a special place or do you keep everything gathered in just one place?Yes, some of them are kept in a special place. And I let a children's home have some soft toys.

Whom is "Crashing and Burning" dedicated to?

Which people you got to know during your time with Cinema Bizarre wouldn't you want to do without?
Everybody. Because each one of them became a part of the road I'm on.

Non mi sembrava, ma se già c'era scusatemi e cancellatela pure.
J e K
view post Posted on 12/10/2008, 17:13

strify i ragni nooooooooooooooooo ç_ç
love is noise e lady gaga.....HAHAHAAHHAH (piacciono anche a me >_>)
comunque io preferisco Valentino....anzi....
WALEntino...(che poi alla fine va veloce...)
e poi il rosso dei vestiti di Valentino lo conosciamo tutti...non vince i motomondiali???

strify fai spataccare XD
view post Posted on 12/10/2008, 17:46

Nooooo ç___ç
i rangi...ç_ç
*me odia i ragni*
non sono per niente interessanti >__<

per il resto...
Strify sei un mito XD
view post Posted on 12/10/2008, 18:53

allora cucciolotto ù.ù
concordo in tutto....
ma non mi puoi passare dagli HIM e i Verve (L)...a Lady Gaga :sick:
view post Posted on 13/10/2008, 13:19

i ragni O__O
ovvio in una coppia non ci devono essere troppe affinità u_u xD
comunque....gli HIM <3 sei un BIG! xD
...lady gaga... -_-'
•~ † Gothique † ~•
view post Posted on 13/10/2008, 13:50

Ma Lagy Gaga puù andarsene a farsi una birra e non tornare più!
Scusate se ho scritto intervistada invece di intervista da ma le mie dita sono sclerotiche u______u"""
view post Posted on 5/8/2009, 12:38

i ragni?? oddei.. ich odia ragni!!XD
†bizarre yuina†
view post Posted on 5/8/2009, 19:53

quoto xD
view post Posted on 7/8/2009, 11:13

con tutte quelle sampettine.. IIII!!!
†bizarre yuina†
view post Posted on 21/8/2009, 13:59

non farmele pensare brrr
view post Posted on 21/8/2009, 16:09

a me fanno schifo tutti escluse coccinelle farfalle e scarabei..^^
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